Friday, August 8, 2014

Heaven Is For Real: A movie God and I both watched together

I was down for a day which I do not know the reason why, maybe I am bored and alone in a friday night.  Pals having a great time.  The social media tells exactly about it or maybe because my menstruation is coming up and it is my hormone kicking in, well, this is only to justify myself since I am not really particular with my menstruation period. 

I know social media like Facebook and Instagram does not do good to me, specially when I spend more time browsing it than holding and going through my bible.  I knew it  when Satan gets in the way.  He puts my bible down in the basement at the very corner of unforgotten things gives me the hard time to get and look for it, when the truth is it was just at my study table near in my bed.

I know something is wrong, but I can not figure it out.  Nobody wants to feel this way.  Restless. I must  read my bible, yes i will, but humans, we respond to weak toes and consumes us until we seek on an earthly ways as answers to our restless feelings.  Jesus ask His disciples to watch over Him as He pray to His Father as His time is near but He found out that they are only sleeping. 
He said "Watch and pray so you will not fall into temptation . The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak" (Matthew 26:41). 

Earlier yesterday, a friend called to ask about his knee dislocating accidentally from a basketball game because mainly a nurse knows first-aid, and I told him to see the doctor immediately. You might want to know that knee dislocation is an extremely serious injury where a thigh bone and shin bone loss contact together it may cause vascular and nerve damage and may need surgery. When immediate treatment was not implemented it may lead to limb loss, but of course I did not emphasize that to him as he said he can still move his leg. God is really good. His, was not so bad but still needs further assessment. 

I asked him if he already informed his family about his situation, as he was away from his family which I think is not supposedly.  He was just came from abroad and spending time with the family most be the goal. He laugh so hard with my question, and he said "You see, I runaway from home and now I am coming back with this" (pertaining to his braced knee).  I too laugh so hard. I laugh because at last he understands and figured out that no matter how we are capable, competent and independent we still needs the comfort of home.  We still needs our family. It took him to break his knee just to realize these things.

God works amazingly.  He works beyond what human  can comprehend.  He knows our heart, longing and desire. If we loss our way He riches us not once but many times and he does not get tired or give up until we are back home with His kingdom . He is our family, our home and our comforts. Because He loves us so much that no way we can get away from His love.

Just as how he reach out to me. Although my spirit is willing but my flesh is weak he didn't lead me astray.  He leads me to watch the movie Heaven Is For Real  instead of anything else. This movie which was I believe showed in cinema last Easter in United States. I am not sure if it was showed in Manila too. I had known about it through a friend's page.

The movie was sublime. I can't tell the story exactly because every details was very meaningful and may give a different view to each viewers. I must say that you need to watch it by yourself.  Full of moral, love, forgiveness, courage, wisdom, inspiration and mostly heaven.  It is not a regular movie for me because I did relate to it even on the first minutes of the film.  The love and support of a family which really sticks into my mind. In every situation there is God. Heaven knowing it is true, oh how we should long an look forward unto it. It is a movie definitely worth of your time. 

It is very inspiring yet God talks to me in a very personal way as the movie ended He whispers to me - "I AM HERE, I AM WITH YOU" and that very moment I cried and sobbed so hard because my heavenly Father is here, with me, he was never gone. I kneel down to my knees still weeping. I realized that I am restless and feeling down not that I am alone while everyone is out on a friday night nor having a hormonal imbalance but because I loss the thought of Him who is all the time was by my side.  I realized that a moment, a day, an hour, even a single breath nor a second God doesn't want us to think that He leaves us. 

God loves us and He will continue to reach out.  He will use a movie, circumstances, people, or anything. He works magically for us to be back into His arms. For us to know that He is just right here.

I am loved.  For once again my heavenly Father embraced me until I can feel, until I realized that he was there all along and until I knew that HE WAS ALL THAT I EVER WANTED.


There is no other place I wanted. He knows my heart. He knows what brings me joy and un-explainable happiness and peace.  Right here, yes! right at His mighty arms.

This portrait was painted by Akiane Kramarik  at the age of eight. She states that God spoke to her when she was four years old, encouraging her to paint and draw her visions. Which at the same time Colby Burpo  (on the movie Heaven Is For Real) who had a near death experience and a visions of heaven when he was four years old agreed that this is the image of Christ that he saw.

Come Thou Fount Of Every Blessings by Chris Rice

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