Saturday, September 7, 2013

Kitchen: Favorite Part of the House

As they have said "there is no place like home" which is certainly, no doubts, agreeable true. At home is where you don't need to be anyone else and you are true to yourself. Home is where you belong, secure and safe.

But have you wonder what a homebody person does at home? Can a home be a place to hang-out? Certainly yes. Beside sleeping,  let me show you my playground.

This is a kitchen for five person but most of the time only for a couple as the fellows are either out of town or working overseas. So i really can see how much this kitchen gracefully smile if someone make use of it.

Extra mugs for unexpected visitors wanting to share a hot coffee or tea in a good cold morning.

Traditional plates. Lots. Some was from grandma so they are really for kept.  You might consider taking extra care while washing.

Cooking is our favorite bonding though we're a small eater. A meal may last a day.  A low salt diet or less sugar may serve. Mostly vegetables, fish and fruits.

I really love this refrigerator photo magnet that we took from Hong Kong. Its been so long since our last family photo as some of us are away and it will take few months or even a year to be back home. You never missed looking at it as you open the fridge.

A furniture dated long ago.

Making fun taking near-object-shot using a mobile phone. Yay!

This is how it look like inside a cabinet. Apology for not tidying up before taking a photo or you may tell me to take time to organize.

I pray that this may not only be a place for a family to feast and gather but a place for God. A place for prayer. That we may not eat to live but through and by His word we survive. We are thirsty and famished and surely that can only be quench through His mighty word.

Jesus answered, "It is written: Man shall not live  on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God." Matthew 4:4

"But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

We gather together, love, encourage and cherish each other. I will never stop praying until the whole family is saved. Until the time that He will come again.

This is my playground, my entertainment room and my favorite part of the house. Tell me what's yours?

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